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Under the hood

Processing flow

  • The Generator iterates over the given sources (Symfony Finder, file/directory list, etc)
  • The configured analyser (AnalyserInterface) reads the files and builds an Analysis object. Default (as of v4) is the ReflectionAnalyser. Alternatively, there is the TokenAnalyser which was the default in v3.
  • The legacy TokenAnalyser was removed in v5.
  • The Analysis object and its annotations are then processed by the configured processors.
  • If enabled, the analysis/annotations are validated.
  • The root OpenApi annotation then contains all annotations and is serialized into YAML/JSON.


Each annotation is associated with a unique Context instance. This contains details, collected by the parser/analyser, about the PHP context where the annotation was found.

Typically, there will be a processor that uses the data to augment/enrich the annotation.

Examples of the data collected:

  • class/interface/trait/enum names
  • property names
  • doctype or native type hints
  • file name and line number


Contains all detected annotations and other relevant meta-data.

It uses a SplObjectStorage instance to store the parsed annotations.


This documentation is generated with VitePress


cd docs
npm install


  • Edit .md files in the docs folder
  • Update annotation / attribute PHP docblocks.
    These will be extracted during publishing into the reference section.
  • Run 'composer docs:build' to check for any errors
  • Run 'composer docs:dev' to test the generated documentation locally (localhost:3000)
  • Create PR and update master
  • Manually trigger the gh-pages workflow to update the online docs.

The last step requires commit rights on zircote/swagger-php.