
development (in)action

Prowl Push Notifications With Zend_Log

I wanted a contained method to send push notifications from various tasks and perhaps even a list of recipients for critical alerts; all the while still be able to hook into existing application code and error reporting. This lead me to writing Skulk_Log_Writer_Prowl as part of the 0.1.4 0.1.5 release of the Skulk package.

While currently simple in implementation it provides configurable support for provider keys, single or multiple recipient keys, linking URL and notice title. I may add layout support for more detailed messaging formats later with Zend_Layout. Implementing the  Zend_Log_Writer API, drop in use with minor configuration details is as follows:

The messages received should appear something like these:

Skulk Log Output


I have also added recently a working yet rough Zend_Mail transport for prowl as well will expand tests and finalize it after the holidays:

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