A simple class to grab the meta data of an EC2 instance for shell scripting as well as use in other actions on the server. I utilize it as part of the cluster member adding and deleting when autoscaling instances.
require_once 'Zend/Service/Abstract.php';
* @author zircote@zircote.com
* <code>
* <?php
* $metadata = new Zircote_Service_Ec2_Metadata;
* echo $metadata->amiID;
* echo $metadata->hostname;
* echo $metadata->instanceId
* echo $metadata->kernelId
* echo $metadata->userData;
* echo $metadata->publicHostname;
* </code>
* <p>CLI example (but note curl -s would probably be more suitable)</p>
* <code>
* #!/usr/bin/env php
* <?php
* require_once 'Zircote/Service/Ec2/Metadata.php';
* $metadata = new Zircote_Service_Ec2_Metadata;
* try{
* file_put_contents('php://stdout',$metadata->__get($_SERVER['argv'][1]));
* } catch (Exception $e){
* file_put_contents('php://stderr', $e->getMessage());
* exit(0);
* }
* </code>
class Zircote_Service_Ec2_Metadata extends Zend_Service_Abstract
protected $_endpoint = '';
protected $_methods = array(
'amiID' => '/latest/meta-data/ami-id',
'amiLaunchIndex' => '/latest/meta-data/ami-launch-index',
'amiManifestPath' => '/latest/meta-data/ami-manifest-path',
'ancestorAmiIds' => '/latest/meta-data/ancestor-ami-ids',
'blockDeviceMapping' => '/latest/meta-data/block-device-mapping/',
'hostname' => '/latest/meta-data/hostname',
'instanceAction' => '/latest/meta-data/instance-action',
'instanceId' => '/latest/meta-data/instance-id',
'instanceType' => '/latest/meta-data/instance-type',
'kernelId' => '/latest/meta-data/kernel-id',
'localHostname' => '/latest/meta-data/local-hostname',
'localIpv4' => '/latest/meta-data/local-ipv4',
'placement' => '/latest/meta-data/placement/',
'publicHostname' => '/latest/meta-data/public-hostname',
'publicIpv4' => '/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4',
'publicKeys' => '/latest/meta-data/public-keys/',
'ramdiskId' => '/latest/meta-data/ramdisk-id',
'reservationId' => '/latest/meta-data/reservation-id',
'securityGroups' => '/latest/meta-data/security-groups',
'userData' => '/latest/user-data',
public function __get($name)
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->_methods)){
throw new Exception(sprintf('method [%s] does not exist', $name));
$result = self::getHttpClient()->request();
if($result->getStatus() == 200){
return $result->getBody();
} else {
return false;